The Big Community Picnic in Cutts Close Park, Oakham - EAGA Children's Gospel Choir

The Big Community Picnic in Cutts Close Park, Oakham
Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: Outdoor
Posted By: Admin EAGA Gospel Choir
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 3 Sep 2024

On Sunday the 1st September the Oakham Baptist Church hosted an extraordinary community picnic in Cutts Close Park, Oakham.

The event commenced with a short church service.  Their praise and worship team led worship by singing some songs. The pastor’s sermon was about “Love”. He explored a question that many people have asked, if God loves the world, why does he not do anything about the sufferings? He used this question as an opportunity to preach about Jesus. He quoted from the Scriptures, John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

It was especially a proud moment for the EAGA 7 Children’s Gospel Choir who were in full voice, bringing joy to the community of Oakham. They ministered for 30 glorious minutes. The British summer may be dwindling, but it was no coincidence that it was a beautiful day. The sun shined beautifully  on the young people as they belted their voices to God’s glory. They represented the academy wonderfully, giving their all in the ministration of a number of songs. They performed with all their hearts, demonstrating the love of Christ in their show of musical performance on the day.

This was the first major performance for the Children’s Choir this year as they often featured within the integrated mix of the adults’ choir, but exceptionally competent in holding their own when the adult’ choir ministered at various events. They had a breakthrough year in 2023 with a keynote performance at a concert put on by them at the St Wistan Church in Wistow. They raised money which was donated to two charities. Later the same year, they followed this up with a grand showing at the Isle of Man Festival of Choirs 2023. Due to their age they were not able to take part in the main competition but the judge recognised their musical quality by commended their outstanding performance and rewarded them with ‘distinction’ scores.

The park was full of people and everyone had their ears tuned to what they were singing.  All seats were occupied. They had their picnics and some purchased Afro-Caribbean food from the El-Ellah catering.



EAGA 7 Chldren's Choir in Performance


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